Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Last Day

WoW, this month has flown by quick. As you know it's the last day of February. Tomorrow is the first day of March. It's just so weird how it's the third month already. I mean I still remember New Years Day, the first day of 2nd semester, heck  I still remember the very first day of school. When I met Mr. Z. I walked in homeroom and saw 3 people who were in Honors and I wondered was I in the right class. 
Anyway, I'm so totally gonna miss 8th grade. A lot of things have happened and been said. A lot of things been thought and felt; I wonder what 9th grade will be like. 
But I would like to write or type some more, but I gots to go.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, that bear boo-boo thing was fun.
    happy snow day.
